Weeds Resistant to Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors HRAC Group 12 (Legacy F1)
by species and country
Weeds Resistant to Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors HRAC Group 12 (Legacy F1)
by species and country
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Weeds Resistant to Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors HRAC Group 12 (Legacy F1)
by species and country
#SpeciesCountryFirst Year
1 Arctotheca calendula
2020 - Australia (Western Australia) *Multiple - 3 SOA's
202021Arctotheca calendulaCapeweedF1912Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors
2 Hydrilla verticillata
2002 - United States (Florida)
2002217Hydrilla verticillataHydrillaF1912Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors
3 Raphanus raphanistrum
Wild Radish
1998 - Australia (Western Australia) *Multiple - 2 SOA's
2006 - Australia (South Australia) *Multiple - 3 SOA's
2010 - Australia (Western Australia) *Multiple - 4 SOA's
2015 - Australia (Western Australia) *Multiple - 5 SOA's
1998141Raphanus raphanistrumWild RadishF1912Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors
4 Senecio vernalis
Eastern Groundsel
2014 - Israel *Multiple - 4 SOA's
2014327Senecio vernalisEastern GroundselF1912Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors
5 Sisymbrium orientale
Oriental Mustard
2011 - Australia (Victoria)
2011159Sisymbrium orientaleOriental MustardF1912Phytoene Desaturase inhibitors

PERMISSION MUST BE OBTAINED FIRST if you intend to base a significant portion of a scientific paper on data derived from this site. Citation:
Heap, I.  The International Herbicide-Resistant Weed Database.  Online.  Sunday, March 9, 2025 .  Available Copyright © 1993- 2025 All rights reserved. Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested.