International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers

Status of Herbicide Resistance in Missouri - Kevin Bradley : January, 2014

By far our most problematic herbicide-resistant weed in Missouri is waterhemp. I estimate that glyphosate-resistant waterhemp occurs on at least half of our corn and soybean acreage. Multiple resistance is now the bigger problem and increasing. Second to waterhemp would be horseweed followed by palmer amaranth (primarily in the southeast corner of the state but isolated pockets occurring in the northern areas as well), then giant ragweed.

Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Missouri, United States.
#YearSpeciesSite of ActionActivesContacts
1 1080Common cocklebur1992Xanthium strumarium
Common cocklebur
United States
MissouriMO Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorimuron-ethyl, imazaquin Reid Smeda, Andy Kendig, William Johnson, Kevin Bradley
2 1082Barnyardgrass1994Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli
United States
MissouriMO PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) propanil Andy Kendig
3 1083Tall Waterhemp1994Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorimuron-ethyl, flumetsulam, halosulfuron-methyl, imazamox, imazaquin, imazethapyr, nicosulfuron, primisulfuron-methyl, prosulfuron, thifensulfuron-methyl Reid Smeda, Andy Kendig, William Johnson
4 1066Tall Waterhemp1994Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
MissouriMO PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Reid Smeda, Andy Kendig, William Johnson
5 1067Common Sunflower1996Helianthus annuus
Common Sunflower
United States
MissouriMO Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorimuron-ethyl, cloransulam-methyl, flumetsulam, halosulfuron-methyl, imazaquin, imazethapyr, oxasulfuron Reid Smeda, Andy Kendig, William Johnson
6 5260Horseweed2002Conyza canadensis
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Andy Kendig, Kevin Bradley
7 5228Common Ragweed2004Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Common Ragweed
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Reid Smeda
8 5269Tall Waterhemp2005Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9), Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14) Multiple Resistance: 3 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14)
acifluorfen, cloransulam-methyl, fomesafen, glyphosate, imazamox, imazethapyr, lactofen Kevin Bradley
9 5391Palmer Amaranth2008Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kevin Bradley
10 5466Giant Ragweed2009Ambrosia trifida
Giant Ragweed
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kevin Bradley
11 7807Tall Waterhemp2009Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
chlorimuron-ethyl, cloransulam-methyl, glyphosate Kevin Bradley
12 5495Annual Bluegrass2010Poa annua
Annual Bluegrass
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Reid Smeda
13 7808Giant Ragweed2011Ambrosia trifida
Giant Ragweed
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
chlorimuron-ethyl, cloransulam-methyl, glyphosate Kevin Bradley
14 7809Italian Ryegrass2013Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum
Italian Ryegrass
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (A/1) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (A/1)
mesosulfuron-methyl, pinoxaden Kevin Bradley
15 23238Johnsongrass2019Sorghum halepense
United States
Missouri  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Reid Smeda, Sarah Dixon
Contributing Weed Scientists
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