International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers
Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Maryland, United States.
#YearSpeciesSite of ActionActivesContacts
1 429Smooth Pigweed1972Amaranthus hybridus (syn: quitensis)
Smooth Pigweed
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Ronald Ritter
2 426Barnyardgrass1978Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine, cyanazine, simazine Ronald Ritter
3 424Common Lambsquarters1982Chenopodium album
Common Lambsquarters
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Ronald Ritter
4 425Velvetleaf1984Abutilon theophrasti
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Ronald Ritter
5 427Yellow Foxtail1984Setaria pumila (=S. glauca)
Yellow Foxtail
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine, cyanazine, simazine Ronald Ritter
6 428Giant Foxtail1984Setaria faberi
Giant Foxtail
United States
MarylandMD PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Ronald Ritter
7 1084Italian Ryegrass1998Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum
Italian Ryegrass
United States
MarylandMD Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (A/1) Inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase (A/1) diclofop-methyl Ronald Ritter
8 1085Redroot Pigweed1998Amaranthus retroflexus
Redroot Pigweed
United States
MarylandMD Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazaquin, imazethapyr Ronald Ritter
9 1086Common cocklebur1998Xanthium strumarium
Common cocklebur
United States
MarylandMD Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorimuron-ethyl, imazaquin, imazethapyr Ronald Ritter
10 5129Horseweed2002Conyza canadensis
United States
Maryland  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Mark VanGessel
11 5374Common Chickweed2009Stellaria media
Common Chickweed
United States
Maryland  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron, mesosulfuron-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl, tribenuron-methyl Ronald Ritter, Mark VanGessel
12 8915Palmer Amaranth2014Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Maryland  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
chlorimuron-ethyl, glyphosate Mark VanGessel
13 17109Common Ragweed2016Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Common Ragweed
United States
Maryland  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9), Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14) Multiple Resistance: 3 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14)
cloransulam-methyl, fomesafen, glyphosate Mark VanGessel
Contributing Weed Scientists
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